massages we offer



Swedish technique, traditionally the basis for most American spa massage, is for relaxation and to assist the body in healing. Typically a series of smooth long and shorter strokes using oil, it helps alleviate stress and provides a soothing and calming experience.


Shiatsu, which means “finger pressure, ” and is a point therapy without oil based on Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture principals. Gentle stretching and breath work can also be included.


A vigorous form of massage tailored to active people that combines stretching, deep strokes, trigger point work and rocking and shaking to stimulate the body and promote quick recovery after exercise.


Area specific and overall bodywork technique, using skillful, strong pressure. Less oil than in Swedish massage. Deep tissue focuses on the deeper layers of soft tissue including muscles, fascia, and tendons.



Nurturing and supportive, this bodywork relieves the stresses of a changing, mother-to-be body. Can be deep or light depending on the need of the client. Usually side lying, supported with pillows, and/or on one’s back using a wedge.


Trigger point therapy, also called neuromuscular therapy, is the application of pressure to tender muscle tissue in order to relieve pain and dysfunction. By skillfully using precise pressure at these points, the point and the referred area can be disarmed, creating more comfort, relaxation, and ease of movement.

Orthopedic massage 

Orthopedic massage is a type of massage therapy which is focused on treating painful conditions which affect the soft tissues of the body. The massage therapist may integrate a range of techniques to treat these conditions, ideally adapting his or her style for each client, as every person's body is slightly different.


Cupping Therapy

Suction cup therapy is a traditional, time-honored treatment that remains favorite by millions of people worldwide because it’s safe, comfortable and remarkably effective for many health disorders. By creating section and negative pressure, this therapy releases rigid soft tissues, drains excess fluids and toxins, loosens adhesions, lives connective tissue, and brings blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles. Myofascial release is direct, and correct application address is a myriad of debilitating and stubborn conditions. 

Cupping services offered:

Therapy Cupping

Facial Cupping

Lymphatic Drainge Cupping (No Therapy Cupping involved)

Body Sculpting

Our sculpting services and prices are listed on our online scheduler. Please refer to link for info.

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